An apology letter for low sales last month is a letter written by the employee who is responsible for low sales over the period of last month and is addressed to the person the employee is accountable to. It is written when the sales department has not been able to reach a sales target set by the management for a particular month. In this letter, the addresser apologizes and provides an assurance that the issue would not arise again in the future.
The addressers and addressees of this type of letter can vary depending on the accountability factor. Some examples of the addressers and addressees are:
- Sales person to the team leader.
- Team leader to the assistant sales manager.
- Assistant manager to the sales manager.
- Sales manager to the senior management, CEO or the employer.
When the organization experiences low sales, it asks or expects an explanation from the sales department, as low sales indicate low-income levels. Usually, strict action is only taken when, and if, the issue becomes repetitive. However, even if the low sales are experienced once, it is the duty of the sales department to reach out to the management, and accept and apologize for its mistake or low-performance level. Writing this letter can help the responsible party because:
- The management might like the proactive approach of the sales department. They might consider the fact that the sales department has explained and apologized even before the management has asked for it.
- The management might decide to accept the apology, and may not take any strict action.
The draft of this letter can include varying aspects, that are covered as per the severity of the situation and the requirements of the management. Generally, the following information is provided in such letters:
- Addressee contact details.
- Addressor contact details.
- Reference to the issue of low sales.
- Provide reasons behind its occurrence.
- Justify, if possible.
- Apologize.
- Refer to the better past performances.
- Seek understanding and acceptance of the apology.
- Gratitude.
- Salutation and signature of the addresser.
Letter Template
Dear Ms. Mary,
I am writing this letter to apologize on behalf of myself and my department for not being able to meet the sales target of last month, i.e., January, 20XX.
Being a sales manager, I have always tried that my whole team works collectively to give maximum output. This is the reason why we have always reached, and even sometimes exceeded, sales targets, since I have joined as a manager. However, last month was an exception, for which I am extremely remorseful.
I was on holiday after Christmas, and I got infected with a severe viral infection. Doctors were unable to figure out why I was not improving even after 10 days. I was hospitalized for more than 20 days. I had to extend my holidays as well.
Meanwhile, my assistant manager had a family emergency, and he left the job after Christmas, even without completing the notice period. These two factors impacted my whole department. My team members were confused about many aspects and were unable to get the signatures and guidance due to the absence of both their managers. Resultantly, the sales level fell to a great extent and impacted the company’s income.
I highly apologize for what has happened, but the situation was not in my control. I was on sedatives, so could not even help remotely. However, now I am back and have hired my assistant as well. I ensure you that the company will not have to suffer again because of my department.
I hope you will consider our past performances and accept our apology. Thank you.
Steven Smith.